Last week, techno blogger David Lee published a video with a performance test of a new 15-inch MacBookPro with an Intel Corei-9 processor. In his video, the blogger showed that with significant system loads, such as high-resolution video rendering, the processor is very hot and reduces its performance from the base clock frequency of 2.9 GHz to a lowered frequency of 2.2 GHz. With this slowdown, the new Macbook is weaker than its predecessor. An interesting fact is that when the laptop was placed in the freezer, the performance indicators were restored. Recently, Apple published an information related to this problem and its solution.
According to representatives of the corporation, after numerous tests of devices under different degrees of load, it was revealed that there was no digital key in the OS that affects the heat management system. In the macOSHighSierra 10.13.6 update, this issue has been fixed, it is recommended for installation by all users. This error has affected all devices of the new line, regardless of the processor model. The developers apologize and promise that the MacBookPro 15 » will provide a performance increase of 70% in comparison with its predecessor, and the MacBookPro 13″ will be up to 2 times faster than previous models.

Mechael A.

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