For many years there are websites that publish pirated copies of games, available for free download by users. For example such sites as LoveROMs and LoveRetro, owned by Mathias Designs LLC. On July 19, in the Arizona District Court, a lawsuit was filed by the Nintendo, repeatedly showing its negative attitude towards such resources. In its application, Nintendo refers to the illegal use of the trademark, unfair competition and multiple copyright infringement by LoveROMs and LoveRetro owners, and want them to pay damages of approximately $ 100 million.
The number of visits to these sites reaches 17 million people every month. This number of visitors is achieved through the free distribution of copies of video games, in particular, those belonging to Nintendo. According to sources, the company requires $ 150,000 for every single image of the game that violates copyright; more than 2 million US dollars for each use of the trademark, as well as the transfer of domain names from the defendant to the applicant.
Currently, the owner decided to remove all products belonging to Nintendo from the LoveROMs site, but at the same time leave the games of other developers; entering the LoveRetro portal, users can see a notification that the site will be closed until further notice.
Mechael A.