According to statistics collected in late 2018 by the analytical Agency Net Applications, Chrome browser from Google is the absolute leader in popularity among Internet surfers on the PC. It is used by 67.18% of users. With a large margin from it, the second most popular is Mozilla FireFox with 9.58% of users. The last became Internet Explorer with 8.31%.
A month earlier, 64% of respondents reported using Chrome as the main browser, which indicates that the browser is strengthening its position in the market.
It is worth noting that a similar situation has developed in the market of mobile browsers, where the absolute leadership is also for Google Chrome, which is used by 63.13% of respondents. But here in the silver medalists broke Safari (with 26.62%), set as the default browser in Apple devices. Bronze is for Chinese Baidu, it is used by 2% of mobile users.